
The primary objective of these regulations is to ensure that 基督教社会联盟DH maintains an orderly appearance appropriate to a university campus while providing members of the greater university community with a maximum publicity outlet. 合作是为学生创造一个有吸引力和愉快的环境的必要条件, 组织, 工作人员, 和游客. 学校保留决定时间的权利, 的地方, 以及与发布信息有关的所有项目的方式, 以及言论活动自由.


本校认可或注册之团体, 校园委员会, 个别学生, 教职员工可以在校园里进行宣传, 只要他们遵守大学制定的规定. Publicity for off-campus entities and personal notices shall be restricted to 活动公告栏 outside the Student Union as designated by this policy.



  1. A listing of 活动公告栏 and a map of locations is available in the Office of Student Life (App. A.). 活动公告栏 will be cleared of all postings once in August and again in December by Office of Student Life or Physical Plant 工作人员.
  2. 活动公告栏 inside the Student Union are reserved for Student Organizations and Campus Departments 只有.
  3. 学生组织和校园部门在指定公告栏张贴的内容必须:
    • 至少4 x 6英寸
    • 不超过11 x 17英寸
  4. 他人在指定公告栏张贴的内容必须:
    • 至少4 x 6英寸
    • 不超过8.5 x 14英寸
  5. 只有 一个 同一事件的项目,每个公告板,不管传单的风格. 图钉或订书钉可用来把材料钉在布告栏上. 粘合剂(胶带、胶水、贴纸等.) 不可使用 在任何布告板或油漆表面.
  6. 张贴宣传前, 所有学生团体须经活动批准及预留场地确认.


  1. All metal walkway 栏杆 are available for posting except for 栏杆 on the South (Vendor) Walkway and the Special Event Railing which overlooks the Sculpture Garden from the Student Union. A listing and map of locations is available in the 学生会行政办公室 以及学生生活办公室 (see App. A.)
  2. 使用韦尔奇大厅栏杆须事先获得韦尔奇大厅张贴监督员的书面批准. “栏杆张贴审批表格”可透过学生生活处索取, 学生会行政办公室, 也可以在这两个部门的网站上找到.
  3. Items posted on designated 栏杆 must be at least 11 x 17 inches but not exceed 3 x 8 feet and appear neat and professional. 所有显示在栏杆上的物品必须使用拉链和加固胶带, provided free of charge to University recognized and registered student 组织 from the Office of Student Life. 当这些物品的供应接近枯竭时,学生组织优先于校园部门. 粘合剂(胶带、胶水、贴纸等.) 不可使用 在栏杆上. Items not properly mounted or posted in areas not designated for posting will be removed and may result in loss of posting privileges for 组织 and departments guilty of these violations.
  4. Items extending beyond the top of the 栏杆 must receive prior approval from the Office of Student Life. 任何物品都不应超过栏杆顶部18英寸,也不应超过24英寸.


所有发布的材料的发布期限为十四(14)个日历日. The "POSTING VALID THRU____" stamp available through the Office of Student Life must be clearly visible on the face of the posting. 张贴的材料必须在活动结束时由主办团体或组织删除. 活动结束后未及时删除的邮件可能会导致暂停发布权限. 例外情况必须首先由学生生活办公室申请和批准.




All materials to be distributed or posted must be identified with name and ph一个 number of the person or organization responsible. 电子邮件地址可以代替电话号码用于联系目的.


All materials to be distributed or posted on campus written in any language other than English must contain an English translation. 仇恨语言是不能容忍的.

而信息可能会收到张贴批准, 这并不代表大学的支持立场.


分发或张贴的材料不得违反第311-312条.加州刑法典第7条. 加州刑法典的副本可以在学生生活办公室找到.


Any off-campus entity wishing to post materials on 活动公告栏 must have approval from the Student Union for union postings only or Office of Student Life, 并须遵守本投寄规定. Publicity for off-campus entities and personal notices shall be restricted to 活动公告栏 outside the Student Union as designated by this policy. 商业广告或帖子不得宣传任何违法行为.



Approval to post in areas not listed in Section (指定投寄地点) above must be obtained from the dean/administrator having primary responsibility for management of the building. 可批准的非指定区域包括:建筑物的内部栏杆, 教室公告栏, 非活动公告栏, 和独立的结构(见app. B.)


Large or major campus events often require posting information in large font sizes so that people can read the information from a distance. 大学允许在校园的各个出入口放置横幅, 通常在两棵树之间. Event sponsors who want to display their banners at these locations must first acquire written approval from the proper authorizing agent.

校园部门、项目等., 悬挂横幅必须联系大学物理工厂并获得批准和支持, while student 组织 must work with the Office of Student Life to receive Physical Plant approval and support. Banners designed for use in these locations must not exceed a maximum size of four (4) feet in height and eight (8) feet in length.


Approval for 的地方ment of permanently mounted banners and display cases must be obtained from the dean/administrator having primary responsibility for management of the building (see app. B.). 一旦收到所需空间的批准, 学生生活办公室将与物理工厂协调安装. 横幅或布告板的费用和安装是组织的责任.


Sandwich boards may not be stati一个d in areas that obstruct normal pedestrian traffic flow or violate University fire codes. 请与学生生活办公室联系,了解三明治板的使用和位置. 可能需要获得大学物理工厂工作人员的批准.


所有需要打桩的广告必须有物理工厂批准的位置. 学生生活办公室将协助学生组织的审批过程. 禁止使用木桩张贴.


派发传单, circulars and flyers not in violation of campus regulations and the 加州刑法典 is permitted on campus. 学校选择行使自己的时间调节权, manner and 的地方 of this distribution in accordance with State law and the Free Speech Policy through the issuance of a daily permit. 学生组织, University departments and administrative offices wishing to distribute any material must obtain permission from the Student Union or PCLASS, 以及学生生活办公室. Individuals or off-campus entities wishing to distribute material must obtain a permit from the Office of Procurements and Contracts, 后勤和支持服务(PCLASS). 不允许在建筑物或停车场分发. Interference with the normal flow of auto or pedestrian traffic and the harassment of individuals is prohibited.


随着科技在校园应用的增加和新资源的出现, 电子广告也有了新的选择. 校园管道, 大学的日历, 网站, 阿瓦隆街和维多利亚街拐角处的电子侯爵可能是您参加活动的选择. Please check with the Office of Student Life or PCLASS for policies and processes related to these forms of publicity. Request forms to display general campus announcements may be picked up from and submitted to the Office of University Advancement (WH C 490).


不得在指定投寄区域以外的地方投寄材料. 不允许在窗口张贴邮件, 玻璃门, 电梯, 电话摊位, 浴室里, 雕塑, 的帖子, 树, 交通管制/电线杆, 迹象, 车辆, 或者种植花园. 不得张贴任何遮盖先前张贴的,正确放置的材料.

违反这些规定将导致张贴的材料立即删除, possible loss of posting privileges for the following semester and/or other restrictions as may be determined by the Office of Student Life and the University. 学生组织 and/or individuals will be charged for the cost incurred in the removal or repair of improper postings.


The administrative entity responsible for University buildings would have authority to approve posting within buildings, 包括教室公告板, 栏杆, 自2004年10月25日起指定如下:

小型书院综合大楼行政副总裁. & 金融
社会 & 行为科学(SBS)工商管理学院院长. 及公共政策
乐大学生会执行. 学生会主任